Wednesday 6 August 2014

Twitch Done Fucked Up

Seriously, what the fuck.  Streaming should be so fucking simple, you just play a game live and people get to come and enjoy the experience with you, why did you have to go and fuck it all up?!

I don't know when these changes happened exactly, but that's not really the point.  The point is that these changes did happen and Twitch has become all google-fied (read: total bullshit) and I wouldn't be surprised if the changes made to the twitch service would make people consider moving to other streaming platforms which aren't so focused on fucking you over.

The first change I came across this morning was the change to the Video on Demand thing.  How I understand it is that past broadcasts are going to be saved for 14 days and then deleted.  This part is kind of fair, I guess, since there must be just insane amounts of completely unviewed video just clogging up space.  They then go on to say that if you don't want your shit to be deleted you can save them in a highlight, which I guess is also fair since highlights receive a lot more views than just the raw stream footage.


What the fuck is this crap, really?!  Why only two hours?!  This doesn't really affect me (right now) since most of the highlights that I make are an hour or less with the longest being the Silent Hill speed runs.  But there are PLENTY of members of the speed running community and other communities being fucked over by this limit.  Just to give you an idea, one of the biggest streamers on the goddamn site (Cosmo) runs The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and that's a 4 and a half hour run.  That  means, that if he wanted to save his run to twitch, he'd have to do it in 3 fucking parts and that's just a pain in the ass.

Even worse for runners who play games like Final Fantasy where the runs can be up to 6 hours or so.  Making highlights for those runs now involves so much busywork that I can't help but feel sorry for them.

But that's not the only thing, oh no, there have been changes to their policy on audio now.  They use some kind of automated software that detects third party content and then mutes that part of the video.  This is complete bullshit because 1) I'm pretty sure that stuff falls under fair use or some crap and 2) IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK

Here is the new Silent Hill time I got last night

Nearly HALF THE FUCKING VIDEO has been silenced when it mostly contains ambient noises, Harry's footsteps and my talking.  I'm pretty sure Konami don't own the rights on my fucking voice.  My guess is that it got muted because at the very start part of the Silent Hill theme was playing but even if that was the case, why did TWENTY SIX FUCKING MINUTES of video get muted for that shit?!  Why not the whole video?  It's not like the audio is much different in the second half of the game.

What's even worse is that I can prove this bullshit doesn't work with this

Here is a video of an older time I got a while ago.  Notice how NONE OF IT IS FUCKING MUTED but IT'S THE SAME FUCKING GAME!  So much for your fucking audio policy because you suck at enforcing it.


So between fucking over speed runners and people who play long game and fucking over everyone else with this audio bullshit, I wouldn't be surprised if people start moving to a new service.  Unless things are solved I imagine twitches days could be numbered.

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