Monday 18 August 2014

The Positives of PT

If you have me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter you might have noticed that I've been raging about PT (Playable Teaser) for the last few days.  Rightly fucking so too because while PT wasn't terrible it just wasn't Silent Hill.  As a stand alone horror game it was fairly effective but since they slapped Silent Hill on the title then it has to be held to a certain standard which I think right now it doesn't meet.

But maybe I should lower the rage gauge for a few moments and have a bit more of an optimistic outlook on this.  First of all, despite all of the failings of PT it's so much better than basically any Silent Hill game shat out by Konami and the Tomm Hulett retard squad in recent years.  I'd be pretty pissed off if I was Tomm because he spent so many years making failed SH game after failed SH game and now Kojima rolls up and makes a DEMO that everyone is saying is the next best thing.  At the very least PT exposed just how much of a talentless shithead Tomm was.  Good riddance.

Now I raged a little bit about Kojima and how he doesn't get Silent Hill or whatever but if you just back up a moment, it's fucking Kojima!  This man is one of the industry greats who's created some of the best games fucking EVER.  If you just ignore "Silent Hills" for a minute and realise that Kojima is behind this damn thing, at least we are guaranteed something that plays well and looks really good.  Even doing just that will be a damn sight better than everything else we've had up to now.

It's pretty clear to see that Kojima does care about the project too.  If there's one thing Kojima is good at it's emotion and detail which is EXACTLY what Silent Hill needs to be effective.  Kojima is also very much aware of his own weaknesses which is probably why he's teamed up with del Toro who's an extremely talented guy and will be easily able to cook up something pretty effective at the very least.

I've also heard a rumor that Kojima is trying to get members of Team Silent on board or at the very least asking them for advice.  If this is true and the original Team Silent are involved or at least helping Kojima with the project then maybe there is a little bit of room for some excitement.

I desperately want all my rage and anger to be horribly misplaced.  I WANT Kojima to give me a big fat slap in the face, the middle finger and show me just how awesome he can make a Silent Hill game.  PT and all the dicksucking on twitter that went with it had me extremely concerned and upset but I'm going to ignore the idiots and put some faith in the talent behind the project. 

I guess I'm very nervously boarding the hype train.

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