Wednesday 29 January 2014

What the hell happened to Final Fantasy characters?

I'm starting to think everyone who works in the Square Enix creative departments have massive brain problems....

You'd be forgiven for glancing at the above image and thinking you were looking at a lineup of whatever shitty pop group is popular now in Japan.  Well you'd be very wrong, that is the cast of the upcoming Final Fantasy 15 and just......fuck....what happened to this series?

I want you to think back to Final Fantasy 7, think of the cast in that game and how distinguished they all looked from one another.  You had a dude in purple overalls with a huge sword, a chick with huge tits, a black man with a gun for an arm, a remote control cat robot, a shotgun wielding vampire and others.   Quite a varied group of individuals for that particular adventure.

Now look at the above picture, we have bloke with bad hair x6, Assassins Creed guy, generic old man, chick with straight bangs, 2 more blokes and a blonde girl.  Where the FUCK did all the creativity in the cast go?  I guess it died with the guy who knew how to write halfway decent plot lines.

I remember when Team Fortress 2 came out and I think it was a developer working for Valve that said that you could tell how well a character was designed by how people were able to recognise them by their silhouettes.

I can tell you who all of those characters are just from that above picture, if you did that with FF 15's cast you probably couldn't.  It's the same with FF7, 8, 9, 10, 12 or hell even 13 had better designed characters and that game sucks more than having nails funnelled into your anus.  Final Fantasy 15s cast looks so fucking generic that it just kills any hype that I may have.

Not that I really had any hype, because even though I've heard that it's going to play like Kingdom Hearts that doesn't mean it's going to be saved from the horrible writing that has come with all recent Final Fantasy games.

Unless it's one of the best RPGs ever made, FFXV can suck a dick.  They should just kill this series and make something that won't kill my hype from just the name alone.

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