Monday 14 January 2013

The Techpocolypse

I'm having one of those moments I like to call a techpocolypse.  I don't know about everyone else, but for me, I never have just one thing break or malfunction.  It's like everything that I own syncs up and just fails me all at the same time.

Granted, the thing in my picture was my fault, as I forgot that I was resting the headset on the back of my chair when I sat down, but that's not the only problem.  My Camera has decided that it doesn't want to close the lens properly any more when I shut it off AND my computer has a greater tendency to just start sulking when I try to game on it for too long.

Luckily, I can solve all these problems but it really is a pain in the ass when just everything breaks at the same time.  Anyway, this bit of whining is a way for me to say that there may be a little tiny drop in audio quality on the Rayman playthrough for a while since I now have to use my laptops in built microphone.

Luckily, if you watch the Die Hard showcase or the Three Dirty Dwarfs playthrough on my Youtube channel, the sound quality isn't so bad, it was just way better with that headset.

Now I just have to cross my fingers and hope to god that nothing else fucks up.  Please also note that I will never use this blog to beg readers for free stuff.  If you want to send money somewhere, send it to the Alzheimer's Society.

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