Wednesday 14 November 2012

More Star Wars Woes

Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back continues to give me trouble with what might be the most arse boss fight I have ever had to play through in my life.

Basically, this huge bogmonster scrolls left and right, shooting worms at you.  The monster himself isn't that hard to dodge, but when you hit him you don't damage him right away, oh no!  There are 5 nodes on the top of his head that must be shaved off before you can reduce his life bar.  This means the fight is extremely long and eventually the constant onslaught of crap just ends up killing me.

On top of that, for some reason I keep clipping through the fucking floor, and when that happens he just rams into me and takes off a big chunk of my HP.

I'm sure I'm probably doing something wrong, and because I'm so thick headed I'm not taking the time to truly figure him out, but goddamn is this one hard son of a bitch!

Just to give you an idea of how hard
Me- 0

It's that bad...

UPDATE: I killed him!  Turns out there was a healing force power hidden away in the level, once I found it, dealing with his bullshit was a lot easier.  He still takes far too long to die though



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