Tuesday 13 November 2012

Game Centre CX

OK! Recently I discovered a TV show that's been in airing in Japan for a long time but I've only recently discovered, and good lord is it AWESOME!

The show has a simple premise, there is this guy called Arino, a comedian from Osaka who puts himself into a small room with a filming crew and plays some super hard games.
The thing that makes the show so entertaining is this guy has the most tolerance for retro game bullshit I've EVER seen.  No matter how often he dies, no matter how often the game flat out fucks him over, he always remains calm, but his reactions are really funny.  Think AVGN but he's filled with joy and wonder rather than rage.

If you're like me and you live in Japan, he also covers some unusual game centres and does interviews with various well known people in the industry.  Not only is this show super entertaining but you can learn a lot about old games that you probably didn't know before.  For example that Shuwatch article I posted, I gained that bit of knowledge from this very show.

So check it out, you can pull them up on youtube, but I'm gonna be hunting down the DVDs from now on!

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