Tuesday 6 November 2012

Fuck off Mountain Dew

Last night I saw a horrifying video, something I wish could be erased from my mind and from existence, but alas, that will never happen.

I am talking about this!
What most people are upset about when it comes to this video is the state of the industry, and while I'm upset about that, it's not really what I'm most upset about.

No, what I hate most about this video is that THIS, this congregation of wankers playing a mediocre shooter is the face of gaming, the face of the hobby I have known and loved for many many years. If you tell anyone that you enjoy video games now, this is what you are associated with, a bunch of pricks pounding soda like it's whiskey playing mindless shooting games and covering yourself in face paint like a fucking 5 year old at the fair.

It's pretty obvious that not everyone who enjoys games are like this but this is what people will think if you bring it up. 

What double sucks about this whole situation is that this shit is holding back gaming as a medium.  There aren't really any games right now that stack up to the great books and films, but that's because it's still a young form of entertainment.  That said, if we ever hope to achieve something truly great, we need to stop doing this bullshit!

I don't have a problem with Call of Duty and games like it, these kind of games have their place and they are a good laugh at the end of the day, but this shit shouldn't be at the vanguard! 

So fuck off Mountain Dew, stop pandering to the lowest common denominator and let the medium grow.

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