Sunday 28 October 2012

In Time Short Movie Review

I didn't really know what to make of this movie when I first heard about it.  The premise is really interesting but I don't really peg Justin Timberlake as much of an actor, so I had mixed feelings going in to this movie.

The movie is set sometime in the future, where people have found a way to cease ageing past 25 and time has become the new currency.  The story follows Justin Timberlake's character called Will Salas, a dude who lives in the slum who barely has a day on his clock.  Through a twist of fate, he is given about 100 years by some other guy who is sick of being alive, but due to some unfortunate event, his mother "times out" and he swears to take revenge on the corrupt time economy.

Now as interesting as that sounds, the writer for this movie obviously wanted to make a point about the American economy or something, but this message comes down with such blunt force trauma it loses all meaning.

That said, it's a fairly competent by the numbers thriller.  Nothing about this movie is what I'd call bad, but nothing about it is particularly spectacular either.  Just as a little point on the side, Amanda Seyfried looks stunning in this movie, but that could be because I have a little bit of a thing for bob cuts.

The one big problem I have with this movie is that I really wished they fleshed out the whole time as currency thing a bit more.  The process of one person transferring time to another seems to be so metaphysical and you end up with so many questions about the whole system that when you think about it the movie falls apart a little bit.

Still, it's a good watch if there is nothing else and you could do a lot worse than this movie, worth checking out at least once to be honest.

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