Thursday 28 June 2012

Asura's Wrath and Movie Games

So a while ago before I came out to Japan I played through a game on the Xbox 360 called Asura's Wrath.  I'm not exactly going to "review" the whole thing here, but it was a strange little game as there was very little actual game to be had in Asura's Wrath.  The whole game is a series of quick time events and little beat em up segments that are piss easy and require no real effort or strategy on your part even on hard mode.

Despite all that though, I quite enjoyed Asura's Wrath, it was cinematic and the story was interesting and watching a very angry man punch a God the size of earth in the face was quite entertaining, I'll do a full review thingy later.

Anyway, the thought I had about this game, was that maybe, the guys over at Capcom have discovered a way to make movie games good.  You see, for those of you who may not be aware, 99% games based on movies are fantastically bad and equate to nothing but cheap cash ins from developers and no one is happy with this crap.  You go and see a movie, probably a marvel superhero movie or whatever, and then you see the game and if you're really stupid you go and drop money on the game and shortly after you pop it in your machine you want to kill yourself in some kind of extremely painful way for falling for that crap.

lol movie games
By the way, I didn't buy Thor, but it was the worst recent movie game I could think of.

Anyway, what I thought when playing Asura's Wrath was, that what if you make all movie games like this one?!  For example, take the  Iron Man games, right now, they suck massive sweaty balls, but if you turned it into an Asura's Wrath clone, it would actually be pretty good, or at least playable.  On top of that, recreating scenes from the movies (what most people who buy these games actually want) would be really easy.

So in short, since Asura's Wrath feels more like a movie than a game, the best way to make passable movie games would be to just remake the movie but add timed button presses.  Asura's Wrath was never a movie to start with, which is what kept it interesting, so these games would still be arsebags, but I bet people would feel a little less ripped off if they were made this way as apposed to a buggy rushed mess.

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